Long Island Personal Injury Lawyer

Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer on Long Island

Result-oriented Legal Representation for Your Slip and Fall Injury

You Need a Long Island Slip and Fall Lawyer

Slip and fall injuries frequently occur on Long Island, New York. Slip and fall injuries often lead to costly medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. According to the Centers for Disease Control, one out of five causes serious consequences such as a slip and fall head injury, a slip and fall neck injury, or a slip and fall back injury. These injuries are expensive to treat and could require years of attention from medical professionals. Costs associated with slip and fall accidents include doctors’ bills, physical therapy bills, medication, and in some cases, surgery. It is important to hire a professional lawyer for slip and fall accidents to ensure that you get the financial compensation you deserve.

A Slip and Fall Injury can be Devastating

The good news is that most slip and fall victims are entitled to financial compensation. It doesn’t matter if you fell on a sidewalk that is open to the public or on someone’s private property. Sidewalks must be properly maintained and kept in good repair regardless of who owns them.


Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents on Long Island


  • Ice, Black Ice, Snow

  • Oil spills

  • Broken pavement

  • Uneven surfaces

  • Debris

  • Missing or broken handrails

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents on Long Island


  • Ice, Black Ice, Snow

  • Oil spills

  • Broken pavement

  • Uneven surfaces

  • Debris

  • Missing or broken handrails

What to do After a Slip and Fall Accident on Long Island?

The actions taken in the days, weeks and months following a slip and fall accident on Long Island can make all the difference in a claimant’s ability to secure the financial compensation settlement. A slip and fall injury has the potential to produce lasting, profound physical pain and suffering or pain and suffering emotional distress. It is crucial to do everything possible to maximize the financial settlement for a slip and fall accident. A slip and fall accidents lawyer will help guide you through the process to avoid common mistakes and overlooked details.

Caso de lesiones personales de un trabajador de la construcción


Recuperación de 2.000.000 de dólares para un trabajador de la construcción que resbaló en hormigón aceitoso y sufrió lesiones graves, incluidas lesiones cerebrales.

Caso de abogado de lesiones personales en Long Island


Ganó una indemnización de más de 4 millones de dólares para una mujer que fue tiroteada por un tendero.

Abogado de lesiones de Long Island


Recuperación de una indemnización superior a 1,9 millones de dólares por las lesiones de un recién nacido causadas por negligencia médica.

Abogado de lesiones de Long Island


Indemnización por jurado de 1.000.000 de dólares por una reclamación relacionada con el diagnóstico erróneo de una afección médica.

Abogado de accidentes de construcción de Long Island


Consiguió una indemnización de un millón de dólares para un trabajador lesionado que se cayó de una escalera mientras limpiaba equipos en un tejado.

Abogado de lesiones en Long Island


Consiguió una indemnización total de un millón de dólares para un niño que salió corriendo a la calzada y fue atropellado por un coche.

Abogado de accidentes de construcción de Long Island


Consiguió una indemnización de más de un millón de dólares para un trabajador de la construcción que se cayó del tejado de un edificio en construcción.

Lesiones Abogado Long Island


Recuperación de una indemnización de 800.000 dólares por homicidio culposo relacionado con una atención médica negligente.

Abogado de accidentes de construcción de Long Island


Ganó una indemnización de 500.000 dólares para un trabajador de telecomunicaciones que se cayó de una escalera defectuosa.

Long Island Bufete de Abogados de Lesiones


Recuperación de 340.000 dólares para un joven herido por un coche al cruzar la calle

NY Abogado de Accidente de Ascensor


Consiguió una indemnización de 335.000 dólares para un trabajador herido en la caída libre de un ascensor en una obra en construcción.

Abogado de lesiones por quemaduras en accidentes de incendio y explosión


Ganó una indemnización de más de 300.000 dólares para un hombre que sufrió quemaduras tras la explosión de una caja de fusibles.

Abogado de Lesiones Laborales de Long Island


Obtención de una indemnización de más de 260.000 dólares para un empleado de una compañía aérea que sufrió una fractura de tobillo.

Abogado de accidentes por resbalones y caídas en Long Island


Ganó una indemnización de más de 250.000 dólares para una mujer que resbaló en el hielo de un aparcamiento.

Abogado de accidentes de construcción de Long Island


Consiguió una indemnización de 250.000 dólares para un trabajador de la construcción que se cayó de una escalera y sufrió una lesión de rodilla.

Abogado de lesiones de Long Island


Ganó una indemnización de 250.000 dólares para un gerente de una tienda que resultó herido por un camionero mientras descargaba muebles.

Abogado de accidentes de construcción de Long Island


Consiguió una indemnización de 225.000 dólares para un obrero que se lesionó al caer sobre un tejado y sufrir una lesión de rodilla.

Abogado de Responsabilidad de Locales de Nueva York


Ganó una indemnización de más de 225.000 dólares para un repartidor que se cayó por un tramo de escaleras defectuosas.

Abogado de Responsabilidad de Locales de Nueva York


Ganó una indemnización de más de 180.000 dólares para un hombre que tropezó y cayó sobre una acera y perdió varios dientes.

Abogado de accidentes por resbalones y caídas en Long Island


Recuperación de 150.000 dólares para un anciano que tropezó y se cayó en una acera rota.

Nueva York Compensación a los Trabajadores Abogado de Accidentes de Trabajo en la Construcción


Obtuvo una indemnización de 125.000 dólares para un carpintero que se lesionó al caerle una puerta en una obra.

Límites de la póliza Liquidación

Obtención de un acuerdo sobre los límites de la póliza para una mujer que perdió los sentidos del olfato y el gusto como consecuencia de un accidente de tráfico.

Establish a Series of Facts in a Slip and Fall Accident Lawsuit

First, you must demonstrate that at the time of injury, a physical condition existed that presented an unreasonable risk of harm. It must be established that the person in possession or charged with responsibility knew or should have known of the situation. The victim will have to show that the responsible party was negligent in not fixing or warning of the risk. Additionally, there must be a link between the dangerous condition and the specific injuries claimed. In order to successfully present each of these elements, there are some important steps injury victims should take immediately following their slip and fall injury.

Appropriate financial settlement of slip and fall accident will depend on the amount and quality of evidence presented by the victim.

In order to maximize the slip and fall settlement compensation:

  • Seek immediate medical care of injuries. Whether that means staying at the scene and calling an ambulance or heading to the nearest hospital or medical clinic on your own. Even if your injuries do not seem serious, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out any unnoticeable injuries and to document the details of your slip and fall.
  • Report the accident to the police and the person/organization responsible for the area.
  • Capture photos of the scene and any visible hazards or defects.
  • Obtain names and contact information for the manager or owner of the property at issue.
  • Speak to all eyewitnesses to the event.
  • Avoid making statements regarding personal fault or responsibility for what occurred.
  • Avoid providing recorded statements to insurance company personnel.

A  lawyer for Slip and fall accidents will be the best asset you have available after you have been injured in a slip and fall accident. He or she will “run interference” between you and the insurance companies, and can help you deal with aggressive bill collectors demanding payment for medical treatment. Your slip and fall accidents lawyer will you navigate the frustrating legal system and ensure your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve.

Contact us to get in touch with a top-notch lawyer for Slip and fall accidents today!

If you are Contacted by an Insurance Company

Shortly after your accident, you’ll likely be contacted by an insurance company. They might seem friendly and want you to answer a few questions and record the conversation, but you need to remember they do not have your best interest in mind. The goal of the call is to hurt your case against them, so the best advice is to decline to speak to them.


Only speak to your lawyer for slip and fall accidents about your case.

How Long Is the Statute of Limitations in New York?

Statutes of limitations are laws that say how long, after certain events, a case may be started based on those events. The time periods in which to make claims are incredibly complex and vary based on the nature of the claim, the location of the claim and the identity of the person/organization responsible, so you’ll want to reach out to an attorney as soon as possible.

In New York State, the statute of limitations for negligence is three years. If your claim is filed against a local government, such as the City of New York or a local town or village, you’ll have only one year and 90 days to file your claim (and just 90 days to file Notice of Claim). Claims filed against certain public authorities must be filed within 30 to 60 days, depending on the agency. The laws regarding Statutes of Limitations can be very complicated so don’t delay in consulting with us.

Factors That Determine a Slip and Fall Settlement

Medical Bills

Medical costs are one of the primary factors for determining the cost of compensation for slip and fall incidents. Nearly every slip and fall victim will receive at least the cost of current medical bills and estimated future medical costs as compensation. Additionally, the availability of insurance that you have (medical, disability) will play a role in the compensation awarded to an injured person.

Pain and Suffering

In addition to medical bills, it’s also possible to receive money for pain and suffering after a slip and fall incident. There is no exact way to calculate the value of pain and suffering, but typically, the cost of medical care is used as an indicator.

Lost Wages And Earning Capacity

It’s also possible to receive money related to employment after a slip and fall accident. If you are forced to miss work because of your injuries, you’re entitled to recover the value of whatever wages you missed out on earning. Likewise, if your injuries are such that you are no longer able to perform your job duties and your earning capacity overall is diminished even in another line of work, you’ll be entitled to recover compensation for lost earning capacity. In the event of a death, the amount of support your dependents expected during your lifetime would be measure of the compensation awarded.

Money might also be available to pay for training or education to prepare you for a different line of work, or it will simply pay in you in a lump sum equal to the amount you would’ve likely earned were it not for the accident.

Incidental Costs

You’re entitled to reimbursement for incidental expenses. These are all the costs that pop up related to the slip and fall accident and its aftermath. Costs related to travel expenses for doctors or physical therapy appointments would be an example of an incidental expense.

Hiring a Lawyer for Slip and Fall Accidents

Average compensation for slip and fall injuries can range from tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. One of the largest slip and fall settlements in New York involved a woman who fell down subway stairs. She received more than $16 million, but suffered severe and permanent brain damage. Money might not ever restore your life to what it was prior to a slip and fall accident, but it can help ease the burden caused by the fall.

The Law Offices of Elan Wurtzel can provide you a top-notch lawyer for slip and fall accidents. Contact us today to get started on your case!

Elan Wurtzel

Personal Injury Attorney

527 Old Country Rd.
Plainview, New York 11803

Phone: (516) 822-7866
Fax: (516) 822-7889

Quality representation you need ... Respect, compassion, and attention you deserve.


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