Long Island Personal Injury Lawyer

Long Island Dog Bite Lawyer


Do I need a Long Island dog bite lawyer?

Dogs make wonderful companion animals, but their behavior can be unpredictable when they are not controlled by their owner. Statistics show hundreds of thousands of victims end up in the emergency room on an annual basis. Data from the Centers for Disease Control indicates the majority (80%) of dog bites are incurred by people under the age of 18 years. If you are attacked by a dog, you should get in contact with a Long Island dog bite lawyer.


What Should I Do if Bitten by a Dog on Long Island?

Preventing Dog Attacks

If you are approached by a dog that you suspect might bite you:

First, don’t launch into a sprint or start running faster than if you were jogging. Seeing you run will trigger the dog’s chasing reflex and guarantee he’ll pursue you. Instead, stop moving and do your best to avoid wiggling or shaking. Most of the time, when a dog runs at you, he does not intend to bite, but you can reduce the risk even further by not fleeing the situation in fear.

If the dog does not walk away after the initial approach, you can try backing away from him relaxedly. Your goal is to get in touch with the dog as little as possible and not give any indication that you want to play or be chased. Even a dog that means you no harm can get over-excited if he thinks you’re issuing an invitation, and it can turn into an aggressive situation quickly.

Caso de lesiones personales de un trabajador de la construcción


Recuperación de 2.000.000 de dólares para un trabajador de la construcción que resbaló en hormigón aceitoso y sufrió lesiones graves, incluidas lesiones cerebrales.

Caso de abogado de lesiones personales en Long Island


Ganó una indemnización de más de 4 millones de dólares para una mujer que fue tiroteada por un tendero.

Abogado de lesiones de Long Island


Recuperación de una indemnización superior a 1,9 millones de dólares por las lesiones de un recién nacido causadas por negligencia médica.

Abogado de lesiones de Long Island


Indemnización por jurado de 1.000.000 de dólares por una reclamación relacionada con el diagnóstico erróneo de una afección médica.

Abogado de accidentes de construcción de Long Island


Consiguió una indemnización de un millón de dólares para un trabajador lesionado que se cayó de una escalera mientras limpiaba equipos en un tejado.

Abogado de lesiones en Long Island


Consiguió una indemnización total de un millón de dólares para un niño que salió corriendo a la calzada y fue atropellado por un coche.

Abogado de accidentes de construcción de Long Island


Consiguió una indemnización de más de un millón de dólares para un trabajador de la construcción que se cayó del tejado de un edificio en construcción.

Lesiones Abogado Long Island


Recuperación de una indemnización de 800.000 dólares por homicidio culposo relacionado con una atención médica negligente.

Abogado de accidentes de construcción de Long Island


Ganó una indemnización de 500.000 dólares para un trabajador de telecomunicaciones que se cayó de una escalera defectuosa.

Long Island Bufete de Abogados de Lesiones


Recuperación de 340.000 dólares para un joven herido por un coche al cruzar la calle

NY Abogado de Accidente de Ascensor


Consiguió una indemnización de 335.000 dólares para un trabajador herido en la caída libre de un ascensor en una obra en construcción.

Abogado de lesiones por quemaduras en accidentes de incendio y explosión


Ganó una indemnización de más de 300.000 dólares para un hombre que sufrió quemaduras tras la explosión de una caja de fusibles.

Abogado de Lesiones Laborales de Long Island


Obtención de una indemnización de más de 260.000 dólares para un empleado de una compañía aérea que sufrió una fractura de tobillo.

Abogado de accidentes por resbalones y caídas en Long Island


Ganó una indemnización de más de 250.000 dólares para una mujer que resbaló en el hielo de un aparcamiento.

Abogado de accidentes de construcción de Long Island


Consiguió una indemnización de 250.000 dólares para un trabajador de la construcción que se cayó de una escalera y sufrió una lesión de rodilla.

Abogado de lesiones de Long Island


Ganó una indemnización de 250.000 dólares para un gerente de una tienda que resultó herido por un camionero mientras descargaba muebles.

Abogado de accidentes de construcción de Long Island


Consiguió una indemnización de 225.000 dólares para un obrero que se lesionó al caer sobre un tejado y sufrir una lesión de rodilla.

Abogado de Responsabilidad de Locales de Nueva York


Ganó una indemnización de más de 225.000 dólares para un repartidor que se cayó por un tramo de escaleras defectuosas.

Abogado de Responsabilidad de Locales de Nueva York


Ganó una indemnización de más de 180.000 dólares para un hombre que tropezó y cayó sobre una acera y perdió varios dientes.

Abogado de accidentes por resbalones y caídas en Long Island


Recuperación de 150.000 dólares para un anciano que tropezó y se cayó en una acera rota.

Nueva York Compensación a los Trabajadores Abogado de Accidentes de Trabajo en la Construcción


Obtuvo una indemnización de 125.000 dólares para un carpintero que se lesionó al caerle una puerta en una obra.

Límites de la póliza Liquidación

Obtención de un acuerdo sobre los límites de la póliza para una mujer que perdió los sentidos del olfato y el gusto como consecuencia de un accidente de tráfico.

If A Dog is attacking you

  • Don’t force the dog into a defensive position by screaming or flailing. It only triggers the dog’s survival attack response.
  • If the dog doesn’t back away or allow you to do so and instead begins jumping on you, your number one priority is to protect your face.
  • Turn away and use your hips and backside to create a body block. If the dog pushes you to the ground, curl into a ball to protect your face and midsection.
  • Keep your hands around the back of your neck and remain motionless for as long as needed.

Most of the time, you won’t face dire situations such as these. Most dogs don’t set out to bite you, but it’s essential to have a plan in the rare event you are attacked and to know what you can do to reduce the risk of being attacked.

New York Dog Bite Laws

Dog bite laws in New York are a mix of the one-bite rule and a limited degree of strict liability. This means owners are strictly liable for medical and/or veterinary costs if their “dangerous dog” bit a person or animal. The state requires victims to prove a dog has a dangerous tendency to bite and that its owner was aware of this tendency.

According to McKinney’s Agriculture and Markets Law 123 provides statutory penalties for dog bites and the process for declaring a dog “dangerous.”

Dangerous dogs are defined as:

“(a) the dog, without justification, attacked a person causing serious physical injury or death; or

(b) the dog has a known vicious propensity as evidenced by a previous unjustified attack on a person, which caused serious physical injury or death; or

(c) the dog, without justification, caused serious physical injury or death to a companion animal, farm animal or domestic animal, and has, in the past two years, caused unjustified physical injury or death to a companion or farm animal as evidenced by a “dangerous dog” finding pursuant to the provisions of this section. An order of humane euthanasia shall not be carried out until expiration of the thirty day period provided for in subdivision five of this section for filing a notice of appeal, unless the owner of the dog has indicated to the judge in writing, his or her intention to waive his or her right to appeal. Upon filing of a notice of appeal, the order shall be automatically stayed pending the outcome of the appeal.”

Owners of a dog might also be required to pay a fine based on whether or not his or her dog was deemed dangerous. If a dog owner were to negligently permit a dangerous dog to bite a person and the bite results in serious injury, the owner could be convicted of a misdemeanor.

Dog Bites Statistics & Facts

How Common is a Dog Bite Personal Injury?

According to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AMVF), about four and a half million people each year are bitten by dogs in the United States. About 4000 of these bites occur in New York. Many dog bites are minor and require no medical attention, but some are serious enough to require an emergency room visit.

What Causes a Dog to Bite?

Dogs react to stress differently than humans and one of the most common reactions is to bite. They might be scared or feel threatened, or feel that their owners or puppies are threatened and are prompted to act in defense. Some people assume that because their dog has never bitten anyone that it can be trusted to not bite in the future. This isn’t always the case. Sometimes dogs bite because they are not feeling well, which tends to occur as they grow older and their health deteriorates.

The majority of bites that require medical attention happen to children. 

In part, this is because children lack the awareness and caution that protects them from bites. Children tend to excitedly approach unfamiliar dogs, causing the dog to react out of fear. Even familiar dogs can react poorly if a child is too aggressive or makes the dog uncomfortable in some other way. As a matter of fact, the AMVF reports that the majority of children bitten by dogs know the dog and have interacted with it before.

Which Dogs Are the Most Dangerous?

Any breed or a mix of breeds can bite, but some dogs are more likely to bite than others. If you are around any of the following breeds or you are responsible for a dog of any of these breeds, you should use special caution.

Dogs that tend to bite more than others include:

  • Chihuahuas
  • Pit Bulls
  • German Shepherds
  • Cocker Spaniels
  • Jack Russel Terriers

We can be your Long Island dog bite lawyer

Even a minor dog bite injury can result in thousands of dollars in medical bills. You have a right to be compensated for your pain and suffering dog bite damages. We will ensure your rights are protected as your dog bite lawyer on Long Island. Our goal is to make sure you quickly receive your deserved dog bite injury compensation amounts.

Contact us today to get started with a free consultation!

Elan Wurtzel

Personal Injury Attorney

527 Old Country Rd.
Plainview, New York 11803

Phone: (516) 822-7866
Fax: (516) 822-7889

Quality representation you need ... Respect, compassion, and attention you deserve.


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